Sunday 16 December 2012

Evaluation Activity 7: Looking back at your preliminary task9 the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

 Our preliminary task was to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. For this task we drew out a storyboard to plan out what we were going to do. I think we as a group could have done a lot more to make the scene a little bit clearer. Our editing skills weren't very good back then because that was one of the very first times we  used IMovie. However I feel like now I developed a lot of skills using IMovie and the camera. For example back then I wasn't very familiar with the angles on the camera but now I find it easier to show more around use different angles . I have also learnt how important the props and costumes in the frame are. When we did the preliminary task, we didn't think about the costumes and the props to make the scene more realistic. We also should of taken a wide range of shots and used a tripod because it was very hard getting the shots we needed without using a tripod, however it definitely made us use a tripod in the future after seeing how shaking the film was. I think some of the shots we did use, were quite good seeing as we didn't a tripod. One shot that I particular liked was the reverse shot because it was quick and clear. However I think the match on action could have be portrayed clearer and the 180 degree rule shot could have been better if we used a tripod. After looking at our preliminary task and our finished opening scene, I think I have improved on the camera work and editing. I think it has been a very good part of learning how to use the camera. I am now confident on how to shoot different shots and editing our film to make it more sleek and professional. I am very happy with our final piece because it shows how much we have grew to use different technique.

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