Wednesday 12 December 2012

Evaluation Activity 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

1. The Title of the Film:
We choose 'Hidden' to be 2.Setting/Location:
I decided to choose the back garden as the setting/location shot because I think it shows you the surroundings of where the main character, Isobella, lives. I think it is also a good shot to use because it gives the audience a sense of themselves being there and what Isobella has to live with. I could of easily used the first shot for this but I decided this would be better because Isobella doesnt actually live in house, shes lives into the back garden and by using this shot, the audience would have an idea of the story. For example, seeing Isobella in the cage, outside in the garden its shows the audience that the father does treat her well, which is kind of the situation in the film.
3.Costume & Props
I decided to use this shot because the props used in this frame give the audience an idea of what the father is like. For example the radio shows that he very old fashioned and the beer can shows that the father likes to drink and maybe to drink away his feelings towards his daughter and his past. The army outfit he is wearing shows that he was in the army and likes to wear it around the house to remember those times.
4.Camerawork & Editing
Seeing as we didnt use alot of shots, I decided to use this shot because instead of shooting this in one place,  we used a panning shot where we moves the camera to look like we were following him walking down the stairs.
5.Title Font & Style
This frame shows the type of font we used throughout the opening scene.We decided to use this font and style because I think it fits in with the genre thriller/horror. It's not too scary but it's mystery and looks like the writing they use for the typewriter. The font and style links in with our opening scene because the opening scene is also mystery and doesn't give much away and the main character is old fashioned just like the typewriter font.
6. Story and how the Opening sets it up
I used the first frame of the opening scene because I think it sets the story up because the audience are shown an overlook of the location. This is very common with thrillers/horrors.Here's an example
7. Genre and How the opening Suggests it
This frame shows the genre because of the spooky lighting firstly and how it looks like it at the character's person point of view which makes the charcter look vulnerable because you can't see very well and anyone could pop out at anytime. Just from this frame the audience can instantly tell that it's going to be a horror film.This happens alot in horror films.
8.How Characters are Introduced
In this frame it shows how charcters are introduced. We decided to keep it simple and just introduce the characters with the font we used throughout the opening scene. It means that the audience won't be distracted by the font but focus on what's happening.
9. Special Effects
The only special effect we used was slow motion. We didn't want to use alot because it would take the focus of the genre. We used slow motion because we thought the scene would be more dramatic.

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