Saturday 15 December 2012

Evaluation Activity 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We had to use a mac to do all the editing. The mac was hard to understand at first but when we got used to it, it become much easier. However it did become a struggle when we tried to put the videos on from the camera, it took longer than we expected it would.

We had to a video camera to film the opening scene, we decide to use Ellie's video camera because it was HD and had more effects to use such Night Vision. It was very easy to use except putting the video on I movie was a struggle. The good thing about using a video camera is that you can see what you filmed after.

We used a tripod to keep the camera steady. This was good because it helped us keep control of the camera.

For editing we used IMOVIE, this was the programme that we were mainly using. From using this, we learnt how to do a lot of things such as special effects, like slow motion and fading in and out. We also learnt how to add sound to the opening scene to overlap the video. Another thing we learnt is how to edit clips by cropping videos moving them around etc.

Other websites we used on the internet were Google, to find images and fonts for the title. YouTube to get ideas for our opening scene,  from music to other opening scene. We also used Blogger to put all the work we did, such as planning and research etc. I also used websites like Prezi and Slideshare to show the presentations in a different way. I think Prezi is a good way of showing your presentations, because you can have different themes and make the presentation more interesting, however if I just wanted a simple presentation, I would use Slideshare to put the presentation on my blog. SlideShare is very straight forward whereas Prezi is a little bit more complicated depending on how you want your presentation to be like.For the Christoper Nolan Task, I used GoAnimate, which I found very easy and clear.

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