Sunday 29 September 2013

Music Video Director:Jake Nava

Jake Nava is an English music video and film director. He has directed some one of world's most famous songs and commercials , including Adele 'Someone Like You' and Beyonce 'Single Ladies'. When researching Jake's videos, I have noticed what type of style he has. His videos seem to be quite dark whether it's narrative, performance or spectacle based, the video seems to have some kind of darkness to it. This can be shown through the camerawork, editing or mise-en-scene. For example in Beyonce's Single Ladies video, Jake has used editing to make the video quite dark by using the black and white effect. A lot of his videos are R&B songs which suggests that he prefers that genre of music. Within each video I have noticed that he likes to have close up on the artists. For example in Adele's video Someone Like You, Jake has focused strongly on Adele. This is because the song itself is very powerful so Jake didn't want to use a lot of mise-en-scene or editing to over power the song and has made the video very simple.
Another video Jake has done is Kanye West's video called Monster which is a spectacle based video. In this video Jake has made Kanye look like a very dominant character in the video. For example in one of the screenshot Kayne is the centre of the screen being grabbed and grasped by females. This portrays Kayne as being very important and suggests to the audience that everyone wants him which shows that Jake is also trying to show Kanye as being the traditional man. In the still he is has no clothes which makes the audience focus on his body, just like how most music videos that Jake has directed do but on female artist's videos like Britney Spears ' My Perogative' which is filmed in black and white and like the Beyonce in the Single Ladies video has very few clothing items on and being seen through the male gaze.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Green Screen Practise

Our media task was to create a video using the green screen. Ours was about a girl who was waiting for  someone. We used unusual backgrounds to make the story more interesting, one of the backgrounds used what an old abandoned warehouse and the other was the sea with ice caps melting.The abandoned warehouse background gives off the creepy theme and tells the audience that the girl is doing something that she shouldn't be doing. The next background   In the first scene Asya is wearing a sleeveless jacket with the hood up suggesting that it's quite cold. I think this video would fit in  with the narrative music video genre because it is kind of telling a story but because of the background I think it makes it kind of weird and odd. A video that I do think is sort of like our video is Azealia Banks' video called Atlantis. In this video, the use of green screen is used throughout the video.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Record Labels

I have been researching record labels trying to find one that would fit  my artist. I came around a record label called Xenomania Records which has signed an artist called Amelia Lily from the X factor. Her music is a bit like my artist, Lily Carvert, so that's why I think it would be a good choice for her to be on this record label. This record label only has one signed artist but has a lot of artists that have sung Xenomania songs, these include artists and bands like Rebecca Ferguson, The Saturdays. Sugababes, The Wanted, Girls Aloud and many more. Xenomania is a British songwriting and production team founded by Brian Higgins and based in KentEngland.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Unsigned Artist

The artist I have chosen for my unsigned artist coursework is Lizzie Calvert.
The song I am picking to use is called Listen Up. These are the lyrics to the song:
Is it such a shock I’m here?
Leading myself and I’m female
Your music’s good for a girl
I’m sorry is this 1912?

Don’t you ever say that again
Cos boy I can defend
Listening’s with the ears not the eyes
And I’m not gonna compromise this time

Listen up I’m in the room
Time to make you all look like fools
You never saw me as competition
But guess what you was missing

It’s time for you to listen
It’s time for you to listen up listen up

I didn’t realise you could write like that
I just assumed you were like all the others that,
Stand there, look pretty and don’t even get no where
That’s a pity
Listen here girl you gotta change yourself
Looking like that you ain’t gonna sell us stuff
I don’t wanna here another word from your mouth
Unless it’s making us one hundred grand

Don’t you ever say that again
Cos boy I can defend
Listening’s with the ears not the eyes
And I’m not gonna compromise this time

Listen up I’m in the room
Time to make you all look like fools
You never saw me as competition
But guess what you was missing

It’s time for you to listen
It’s time for you to listen up listen up

What were they fighting for
What did they fight it for
We’re back to how it was before
I don’t wanna live a life where I'm at war
If you’d only understand
Ignorance is letting you down
If they put you down
Stand up and tell them now

Don’t you ever say that again (don't you ever say that again)
Cos boy I can defend
Listening’s with the ears not the eyes
And I’m not gonna compromise this time

Listen up I’m in the room
Time to make you all look like fools
You never saw me as competition
But guess what you was missing

It’s time for you to listen
It’s time for you to listen up listen up

Unsigned Artist